Friday, April 16, 2010

I got a job!!!

I met with Deb Kerr. If you don't remember, I worked for a research group at Purdue for 2 summers. One of the summers, Deb Kerr came over from Curtin University in Perth Australia to do a joint research project. Matt and I also met with her and her husband when we were vacationing in Broome. I asked her a while back if she knew of an student part time jobs in the nutrition department. Anyway, I met with her today and she offered me a job! It is entering data. I did that for 2 years and it was mind-numbingly boring. It also only paid $7 and hour. This time it will still be boring but it pays $25/ hour!!!! I was so excited!!! Everything cost more over here so their minimum wage is a little bit higher than ours.

After my exciting meeting I went to my food micro lab. We got our quizzes back. I studied very hard for this quiz. When it was time to take it (3 weeks ago) it turned out to be an open book quiz. So I had studied hard and was able to double check my answers. I was one of the first students done. (Yes dad, I even read through the whole quiz again). Our scores were posted online and I received 7 out of 10. I was very upset that I got a C. I went to my lab today and talked to other students. Turns out that the highest grade overall was a 7.5 Most people got a 4 or a 5. They did not fail and I did not get a C. Over here the grading scale is different. To get a 70% is equivalent to our A. Turns out I got one of the highest grades in the class. I felt so much better after learning that. It a little embarrassed that I was upset about it.

After class I came home and just watched TV and did some apartment hunting for San Antonio TX. I found a few places but have not committed to anything yet. Im still coughing quite a bit and wanted nothing but a nap all day. I did go over to my friend Andrews place. It was just his roommate Mike, Andrew, and I. The other 2 that were supposed to join decided that they had too much work to do. So we watch Robing Hood Men in Tights without them. I hadn't seen that movie for a long time. It was quite comical. Not as good as Date Night was. But still pretty good.

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