Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day off!/ Pancake night!

I slept in!! It was amazing. I had every intent of working out this morning. But when I woke up all of my muscles were sore from yesterday's workout. So I stretched for 20 minutes instead. Then I got online and talked to Matt for awhile. I went into work. We were able to find the missing files! YAY!!! Now I don't have to re-enter them. I worked for 4 hours. That was about the time I started loosing my mind staring at words and entering them on the computer. I kept seeing "cool drink" as a beverage that the subjects were recording. I did internet searches trying to figure out what that was. Our database didn't have it as a food for me to enter. Eventually I had to ask another person in the room. It tuns out that it is another name for soft drink. So I entered coke.

So I went home and watched tv shows for about 2 hours and then met up with a few friends to go to the mall! Thursday is late night shopping! The mall was open until 9pm. I became quite hungry at the mall so I bought a soft pretzel. When you buy a pretzel that is all you get. They do not have cheese or marinara sauce for you to dip it in. When I asked for cheese the guy was super confused. When I realized my friends were confused as well I realized it was not a common thing over here.

We then went over to Syzrin's for pancake night!!! The usual gang. This time we only had nutella, sugar, and maple syrup to put on our pancakes (crepes). They were still quite yummy even without the ice cream and bananas.

My morning lab tomorrow has been cancelled. But everyone else still has projects and homework to do tonight. So I just came back and watched some more tv.

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